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E-WMS Autoreive sample scenario '4b' - auto receive batch item with WMS SKU numbers and a generated batch number


This document describes a sample scenario of Autoreceive.


This document describes a sample for scenario '4b' in document E-WMS - Autoreceive: Receiving several SKUs with a batch item and one batch number, using E-WMS S/B Generation and E-WMS SKU numbers (so also S/B and SKU labels printed by E--WMS).

In the hand terminal settings for receipts (menu System, E-WMS, Scanners, Receipts registration settings), the settings 'S/B number generation' and  'Autoreceive' are enabled, and 'Use external SKU nrs' is disabled. The Serial/batch number mask for batch numbers is configured.


Started receipt for a batch item.
Scanning item code.
Because the setting 'Auto. SKU label screen' is enabled, and this item has more than one SKU configuration, this screen appears. Selecting the first. The receipt location now also has to be entered, because this was not scanned yet in the first screen  
Entering the received quantity;
receiving 5500 sales units instead of ordered 10680.
The default batch quantity was not configured for the item, so was also prefilled with the ordered quantity.
Change also to received qty 5500.
Confirm the number of labels you
require. In this case, 55 labels were required
Generating the numbers and the receipt lines ... Now 55 receipt lines were generated. Because not all expected quantities are received yet you will return to continue scanning new SKUs.    

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 Sub category:  Document ID: 24.681.576
 Assortment:  Date: 23-12-2020
 Release:  Attachment: